Click on the models below to see more pictures and to request their complete portfolio.
Jonathan C
Jonathan CHeight: 189cm / 6' 2½'' Suit: 50-52 Hair: Dark blond Eyes: Brown Shoes: 45euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Hampus Height: 188cm Suit: 50 Hair: Dark blond Eyes: Blue Shoes: 44eu Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Gabriel C
Gabriel CHeight: 184cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Shoes: 45euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
IsaiahHeight: 184cm Suit: 48 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 43euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Daniel F
Daniel FHeight: 185cm Suit: 48/50eu Hair: Blond Eyes: Blue Shoes: 43,5euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
MarcosHeight: 187cm Suit: 48R Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Shoes: 42euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
CurtisHeight: 187cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 45,5euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
VincentHeight: 181cm Suit: 46 Hair: Black/bald Eyes: Brown Shoes: 44euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Eric F
Eric FHeight: 186cm Suit: 52 Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Shoes: 44,5euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
MelleHeight: 191cm Suit: 48L Hair: D Blond Eyes: Brown Shoes: 44,5 euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
ArdaniHeight: 189cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 46euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Varg Height: 188cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Shoes: 45eu Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Sebastian Height: 185cm Suit: 48 Hair: Dark blond Eyes: Blue Shoes: 42eu Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Henrik H
Henrik HHeight: 188cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Grey Eyes: Blue Shoes: 42euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
LivHeight: 178cm Suit: 38R Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue/green Shoes: 43euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Arthur B
Arthur BHeight: 189cm Suit: 50/52 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 46euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Edwin O
Edwin OHeight: 191cm Suit: 52 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 46euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Archie O
Archie OHeight: 186cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Blond Eyes: Blue green Shoes: 43euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Juan Cruz
Juan CruzHeight: 187cm Suit: 50 Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Shoes: 45euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Eric H
Eric H Height: 187cm Suit: 48 Hair: Blond Eyes: Hazel Shoes: 44eu Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
CorstiaanHeight: 185cm Suit: 48 Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Shoes: 43euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
LucaHeight: 183cm Suit: 48 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Shoes: 43euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
David Koch
David KochHeight: 186cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Shoes: 45euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Marcio Height: 187cm Suit: 48 Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Shoes: 43eu Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Lucas L
Lucas LHeight: 185,5cm Suit: 48 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 43euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
YiannisHeight: 190cm Suit: 50/52 Hair: Dark blond Eyes: Blue green Shoes: 44euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
JackHeight: 176cm Dress: 34eu Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Shoes: 39euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Daniel N
Daniel N Height: 187cm Suit: 50eu Hair: Dark blond Eyes: Blue Shoes: 43eu Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Jonathan Ko
Jonathan KoHeight: 180cm Suit: 48eu Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 42euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
ArjanitHeight: 188cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Blond Eyes: Blue Shoes: 44euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Sebastian K
Sebastian KHeight: 186cm Suit: 50/52 Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Shoes: 45/46euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Andreas H
Andreas HHeight: 186cm Suit: 50 Hair: Red Eyes: Blue Shoes: 45,5euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
David L
David LHeight: 189cm / 6' 2½'' Suit: 48/50 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Shoes: 45euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
JoJoHeight: 180cm Suit: 48 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 43euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Micheal P
Michael P Height: 185cm Suit: 50 Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Shoes: 44eu Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
DiegoHeight: 186cm Suit: 48R Hair: Grey Eyes: Green Shoes: 44eu Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
YendrelHeight: 181cm Suit: 48/50 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 42euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Jakob B
Jakob B Height: 189cm / 6' 2½'' Chest: 95cm / 37½'' Waist: 80cm / 31½'' Hips: 93cm / 36½'' Suit: 48R Hair: Dark blond Eyes: Blue grey Shoes: 44eu / 10us / 9.5uk Portfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom....
DylanHeight: 185cm Suit: 50 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 45euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Alex Angel
Alex AngelHeight: 186cm Suit: 52 Hair: Grey Eyes: Blue Shoes: 44euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
Olof JHeight: 186cm Hips: 93cm / 36½'' Suit: 46-48R Hair: Light Brown Eyes: Blue Shoes: 45euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio
FabioHeight: 183cm Suit: 48 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Shoes: 43,5euPortfolio Below is just a small preview, for a complete portfolio fill out the contact form at the bottom. Complete Portfolio